Superalgos Review

Superalgos is an open-source software project that allows anyone to create and run automated trading strategies. The project is designed to be highly modular so that users can create strategies that are as simple or complex as they desire. Superalgos also offers several features that make it easy for users to cooperate, such as sharing trade data and strategies.

General information 

Superalgos is an open-source software project that allows anyone to create and run automated trading strategies. The project is designed to be highly modular so that users can create strategies that are as simple or complex as they desire. Superalgos also offers several features that make it easy for users to cooperate, such as sharing trade data and strategies.


To install Superalgos, you will need to download the latest release from the project's website. Once you have done this, unzip the archive and run the "superalgos" executable file. Superalgos is written in Java, so you will need to have a compatible version of Java installed on your computer to run it.


Once you have Superalgos installed, you can begin creating trading strategies. The software provides several different "modules" that can be used to build a strategy, each of which performs a different task. For example, there is a module for fetching data from exchanges, a module for backtesting, and a module for live trading.

Strategy sharing 

One of the most powerful features of Superalgos is its ability to share strategies. This means that if you have created a successful strategy, you can share it with others so that they can use it as well. Strategy sharing is done through the use of "strategy libraries", which are collections of strategies that can be accessed by anyone.

Design considerations 

When designing a trading strategy, there are several things to consider. First, you need to decide what time frame you want to trade on. This will determine how often your strategy will be executed. Second, you need to choose which exchanges you want to trade on. Each exchange has its own data feed, so you will need to make sure that your strategy is compatible with the data feeds of the exchanges you want to trade on. Finally, you need to decide what type of orders you want to place. There are many different types of orders, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Superalgos vs other software 

Superalgos is not the only software available for automated trading. However, it is one of the most popular and well-supported options. Other popular choices include Gekko and Zenbot. However, Superalgos has several advantages over these other options. First, Superalgos is open source, so anyone can contribute to the project or create their own fork. Second, Superalgos is highly modular, so it is easy to create simple or complex strategies. Third, Superalgos offers several features that make it easy to cooperate with others, such as strategy sharing.


Superalgos does have some drawbacks. First, the software is still in development and lacks documentation. This can make it difficult to use for newcomers. Second, the software is written in Java, so you need to have a compatible version of Java installed on your computer to run it. Third, Superalgos is not yet available for Windows.

Features of cooperation 

Some of the features of cooperation that Superalgos offers include sharing trade data and strategies. This makes it easy for users to work together and improve their trading results. Additionally, Superalgos provides several tools that make it easy to backtest and optimize trading strategies.

  1. Sharing trade data and strategies
  2. Backtesting
  3. Optimization
  4. Strategy sharing
  5. Modular design
Exchanges Supported
Customer Support


Some of the pros of using Superalgos include the ability to create highly complex trading strategies and the ability to cooperate with other users. Additionally, the software is constantly being updated with new features and improvements. Some of the cons of using Superalgos include the lack of documentation and the need for a strong understanding of programming to create complex strategies.

Pros Cons
Highly modular design lets users create simple or complex strategies Lack of documentation can make it difficult to learn how to use the software
Several features make cooperation easy, such as sharing trade data and strategies Need for a strong understanding of programming to create complex strategies
Constant updates with new features and improvements Some users may find the user interface to be confusing or difficult to use

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